We dealt with a lot of ambiguity as it was system design. A design brief was required to structure the project and it was a rollercoaster ride when we combined divergent and convergent thinking. Our flow was something like this :
The differences between divergent and convergent thinking in cognitive behavior is well explained in this site. Summarizing it :
Our starting point was green cryptocurrency. A lot of cryptocurrencies started going green after the energy issues converting their business model and improving the algorithms (Proof of Stake).
We diverged from the topic to explore tangible areas to work on. We divided the area into finance (green cards) and climate (yellow cards). In finance, we explored the involvement of banks, government, ICO, policymaking, renewable energy, etc. In climate aspects, we explored carbon trading, green crypto wallets, blockchain for social and environmental impact.
After this, we converged To create a speculative system of inclusive economy and blockchain technology of green crypto-currency in the country. The purpose of doing so is to expedite sustainable and eco-friendly activities to create a carbon-neutral world.
Our converged topic gave two areas for us to work on i.e. Financial Inclusion and Climate change. We found out that designers have a role to play in the blockchain industry by humanizing this disruptive technology and bringing it to common people. Trade-off needs to be made between financial inclusion and climate change to design an effective service/system/product.